Monday, July 20, 2009


<-- Okay see this handsome man... basically he is frustrating the crap out of me. We look happy, don't we? Well we are! We are having a blast together. But for some reason he won't "talk" to me about what we are! Everyone is asking me, including his friends and mine. And I have no idea what to say! It's been about 2 months and I don't know what to think. He's such a private, reserved guy and he'd probably kill me for writing a blog about him, but he won't know.

Ugh I just like him so much. I've met the parents. He's met mine. I don't know what to do. His roommate says if I try to talk to him he will talk to me, but I just don't think he so... Any advice? He makes me so happy. The happiest I have been in a very long time. And he's is such a wonderful man, I don't know how someone else hasn't snagged him. I am too lucky right now and I have this feeling it's not going to last long because no relationships ever do...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goodbye Girl Scouts

Well it's almost over, my internship with the Girl Scouts. I have one more week and still no cookies! And during my down time this week I have been scouring the internet for PR jobs in Nashville, Birmingham and Atlanta. I graduate in 26 days (EEEE!!) and haven't found a job. It's starting to bother me that EVERYONE is asking "So what are you going to do after graduation?" People... I have no idea!

I do still work at J&M Bookstore, a college bookstore in downtown Auburn, which I love! But I don't wanna get stuck there. My parents say I should stay there until I find a "real" job and my besties want me to stick around for another football season (of which I can't get tickets b/c I won't be a student in the fall, so if I stay, there's a couple hundred dollars spent...)

So pretty much I'm stressed and worried about getting a job... But 26 days from now, I will be walking across that stage in my hot pink heels and grabbing my diploma! And saying goodbye to my favorite school ever...